Sivir akan menjadi champion League of Legends (LoL) berikutnya yang mengalami perubahan besar-besaran dari segi kemampuan. 
IDGS, Rabu, 22 Juni 2022 - Preview dari rework kemampuan Sivir telah diungkap oleh Ray Williams, seorang analist gameplay dari LoL yang bekerja untuk Riot Games, lewat unggahan di akun Twitternya @RiotRayYonggi pada hari Rabu (22/6/2022) ini.
Sedangkan skill Spell Shield (E) tidak lagi memberi refund mana, dan alih-alih memberi heal bagi Sivir.
Akselesrasi moovement speed dari skill Hunt (R) kini telah dihilangkan dan diganti dengan memberi efek mengurangi cooldown dari skill-skill Sivir lainnya dan masih tetap memberi bonus movement speed bagi teman-temannya.
Berikut ini changelog dari Sivir Rework:
Base Stats
- Mana decreased from 325 to 300
- Mana regeneration decreased from 1.6 to 1.2
- Base AD decreased from 63 to 58
- AD per level increased from 3 to 3.3
- Base HP decreased from 632 to 600
- Attack speed per level increased from 1.6 to 2
These changes aim to give her sharper movement speed that synergizes with attack speed.
- Instead of a flat two seconds, it will decay over two seconds
- Flat movement speed gained increased from 45-60 to 55-70
- Base damage increased from 35-95 to 15-115
- AD ratio decreased from 0.7-1.3 to 0.7 flat
- Cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 12-10 seconds
- Cast time decreased from 0.25 to 0.25-0 (scales with attack speed)
- (New) Scales with crit chance up to 100% bonus damage
- Mana cost decreased from 70-100 to 55-75
- Missile speed adjusted from 1,350 to 1,450 outward, 1,200 inward
- Buff duration changed from 3 attacks to 4 seconds
- (New) Bonus attack speed: 20-40%
- Max bounces changed from infinite to 7 per richochet
- (New) Can now bounce back to targets that have already been hit. Will find new targets first.
- AD scaling decreased from 0.3-0.9 to 0.3 flat
- Bounce rage increased from 450 to 500
- Mana cost decreased from 75 to 75-55
- (Removed) Mana refund
- (New) Heals Sivir for 0.6-0.8 AD + 0.5 AP
- Procs Fleet of Foot passive
- Mana cost increased from 0 to 40
- Cooldown increased from 22-10 to 22-14 seconds
- (Removed) Attack speed
- (Removed) Initial movement speed burst
- Unchanged: Movement speed for Sivir and allies 20-30%
- Duration increased from 8 second to 8-12 seconds
- (New) Refreshes on recently-damaged takedown
- (New) Auto attacks during the Hunt reduce Sivirs basic ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds.